Trek LoL/Simpson Archive Site Info (Updated April 1, 1992) [NOTE: I still have about 3.4" of material to be added or corrected to these lists. If you submitted a change, and they're not included, they're still on a printout. ;)] Hiya!!!!! Due to the size of the lists, I am unable to keep a copy of them on-line at sactoh0. However, the next scheduled posting dates are . . . Star Trek TOS/TAS List of Lists: April 1, May 1 [posted to r.a.s.misc, monthly to] Star Trek Movies List of Lists: April 1, May 1 [posted to r.a.s.misc, monthly to] Star Trek TNG List of Lists: April 1 & 16, May 1 & 16 [posted to r.a.s.misc, r.a.s.current, monthly to] Star Trek DS9 List of Lists: April 1, May 1 [posted to r.a.s.misc, r.a.s.current, monthly to] All of the Above in ZOO format: April 1 & 16, May 1 & 16 [posted to r.a.s.misc, r.a.s.current] A copy of the above will also go to the old rec.arts.startrek group until April 20th, when the group is scheduled to be removed. "The Simpsons" Air Dates: April 1 & 16, May 1 & 16 "The Simpsons" Episode Guide: April 1 & 16, May 1 & 16 Simpson's Lists in ZOO format: April 1 & 16, May 1 & 16 The Simpsons Lists are posted to, and If you really need to snag a copy of the lists, here's some info . . . -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Anonymous FTP Info. . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to Brendan Kehoe ( for maintaing this site. The files that are currenly available are: pub/simpsons -==========- air_dates - A listing of all Simpson's Air Dates episode_guide - Episodes titles with brief synopsis pub/strek -=======- tos_lists - Star Trek TOS/TAS List of Lists tng_lists - Star Trek TNG List of Lists FTP: 1. FTP to '' or 2. Login as 'anonymous' 3. Use your e-mail address as the password. 4. Change to the proper directory using 'cd'. (ie, for the Star Trek Directory, type 'cd pub/strek') 5. Type 'dir' to get a listing of the files. 6. To get the file, type 'get foobar', where 'foobar' is the file you want. E-Mail: 1. Send mail to: "" 2. To get an index, type "index simpsons" or "index strek" in the body of your message. 3. To get a file, type "send _area_ _file_", (ie "send simpsons air_dates") 4. If all else fails, type "help" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This site replaces FTP: 1. ftp to "" (preferred) or (subject to change). 2. cd to ftp/pub/st-parodies 3. Unknown magic command. E-mail server: /\ / \ +--------+ | OUT TO | | LUNCH! | +--------+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FTP: Unknown 1. ftp to "" (preferred) or (subject to change). 2. cd to ftp/pub/st-parodies 3. Unknown magic command. E-Mail: Send mail to '', with the subject line of 'server.'. Have the body of your message consist of the following lines: help end This will send a help file. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BBS Access The following are BBS's which carry the Star Trek List of Lists: Eclipse! (916) 725-0674 [1:203/90.0] {Primary BBS Distribution} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ V32/2400/1200 baud [Sacramento, CA] This is the primary site where the listings can be obtained. Guest Access: 1. Login as "GUEST". 2. Go to file area #1. 3. Download the file using the Regular filename FREQ Access: Have your sysop access the file using the magic filename. (Node address is 1:203/90). When FREQing the lists, PLEASE use the Magic filenames and not the regular filenames. Regular "Magic" Filename Filename Size Description ============ ======== ====== ============================================== TOS0401.TXT TOSLIST 54839 Star Trek TOS/TAS List of Lists TMS0401.TXT TMSLIST 15583 Star Trek Movies List of Lists TNG0401.TXT TNGLIST 105941 Star Trek TNG List of Lists DSN0401.TXT - 4450 Star Trek DS9 List of Lists TREK0401.ARJ TREKARJ 78414 Both Trek Lists in compressed ARJ format NOTES: TREKARJ replaces TREKLIST as magic filename. SAIR0401.TXT SIMPAIR 8213 "The Simpsons" Air DAtes SEPG0401.TXT SIMPEPG 17941 "The Simpsons" Episode Guide SIMP0401.ARJ SIMPARJ 13417 Both Lists in compressed ARJ format AOF II:The Next Dimension PCBoard (215) 742-9641 [1:273/928] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This board carries both the Star Trek List of Lists and The Simpsons Episode Guides. Earl's Castle (916) 967-1643 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2400/1200 baud [Sacramento, CA] NOTE: Earl's Castle operates at 2400 baud. NUL BBS ~~~~~~~ [San Antonio, Texas] The NUL BBS system is currently distributing the Star Trek Lists and the Simpsons Lists in ARJ format. NUL - Node 1 (1:387/255) - (512) 615-NUL1 [6851] (9600 HST/DS ONLY!) NUL - Node 2 (1:387/256) - (512) 615-NUL2 [6852] (300-2400 baud) NUL - Node 3 (1:387/257) - (512) 615-NUL3 [6853] (300-2400 baud) Omni BBS (916) 386-2521 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9600/4800/2400/1200 baud [Sacramento, CA] Omni BBS carries the Star Trek lists in the "Star Trek]" room, and the Simpsons Lists in "The Written Word]" room. T&S BBS (908) 297-5669 [1:107/355] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9600 v.32 [Franklin Park, New Jersey] "Magic" Filename Description ======== ================================================================== SIMP_AIR "The Simpsons" Air Dates SIMP_EPG "The Simpsons" Episode Guide SIMP_FAQ Simpsons Frequently Asked Questions (from SIMP_QUO Simpson's Quotes (from USS Galifrey (306) 949-6032 [1:140/1701] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed Unknown [Regina, Canada] Guest Access: First time callers are allowed to download the lists. From the main menu, select option D: "The Trek/Who Distribution System", and follow the instructions from there. FREQ Access: TOS_LIST - Star Trek TOS List of Lists TMS_List - Star Trek Movies List of Lists TNG_LIST - Star Trek TNG List of Lists DS9_List - Star Trek DS9 List of Lists TREKLIST - All of the above SIMP_AIR - The Simpsons Air Dates SIMP_EPG - The Simpsons Episode Guide SIMPLIST - All of the above These files can be request by FidoNet file request via netmail. Simply send a file request message to node 1:140/1701 and requesting the magic filename listed above (ie TNG_LIST). In order to save time and long distance charges, the files are packed in PKZip format, and will require unzipping after transfer. NOTE: This can only be done through a FidoNet system, and may require special access to the netmail area by any individual sysop running a node on FidoNet. If you are unsure of the procedure, check with your sysop. Versailles BBS (604) 477-4688 [1:304/43] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {updated info needed by March 1st} Speed Unknwon [Location: Unknown] This BBS carries the lists. They are available by FREQ-ing "TNGLIST" for the Star Trek TNG List of Lists, "TOSLIST" for the Star Trek TOS/TAS List of Lists, or "TREKLIST" for both lists. They are all packed in the ARJ format. Walden Puddle BBS [1:260/450] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owego, NY Node 1: (607) 687-6193 (1200-9600 v.32) Node 2: (607) 687-6049 (1200-14.4K v.30) Callers will need to be veified beforehand. Zuul's Catacombs (412) 264-6994 [1:129/164] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speed: 2400 Baud FREQ Access: TOS_LIST - Star Trek TOS List of Lists TMS_List - Star Trek Movies List of Lists TNG_LIST - Star Trek TNG List of Lists DS9_List - Star Trek DS9 List of Lists TREKLIST - All of the above SIMP_AIR - The Simpsons Air Dates SIMP_EPG - The Simpsons Episode Guide SIMPLIST - All of the above